Felix Crux

Technology & Miscellanea

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I’ve finally, belatedly, put together the text transcript, slides, and video recording of my PyCon 2016 talk “What You Need To Know About Free & Open Source Software Licensing” and uploaded them. You can view everything here.

Thank you to the conference organizers for inviting me and providing the video recording; thank you to everyone who attended; and thank you to all the folks who provided feedback on it, whether in person or online.

The talk has been available on YouTube for some time, but there you don't have the slides or transcript.

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Tickets to PyCon Canada 2016 are now available, and will be on a discounted “early bird” price until Monday the 19th. The main event will be on November 12th and 13th in downtown Toronto, followed by development sprints that are open to the public on the 14th and 15th.

Although PyCon is built around the Python community, the content is not usually hyper-specific to Python: there are always plenty of general interest topics that any developer can benefit from. You can also view recordings of talks from previous years.

Sadly I was't able to help out at the event this year, so advertising for it is the least I could do! And, of course, I will be attending.

Do also note that the event is still looking for more sponsors, so if you'd like to support a very beloved local tech event, check out their prospectus and send them an email!

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Last year at PyCon I organized a small Open Space event for OpenPGP key signing. Based on the success of that event I'm doing it again this year at PyCon 2015 in Montréal. We'll be in room 512cg at 18:00 on Saturday the 11th.

I wrote up a very short superficial guide that covers what this is all about, how to get started, how key signing happens, and where to go from there; you can read it here.

All are welcome, regardless of level of experience. Even if you don't intend to actively participate, feel free to come out to meet others and learn.

Corrections, additions, and comments on the document would be very welcome; it's just something that I wrote up quickly on the train, and so is bound to be incomplete.

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Doug Crockford gave a talk at the University of Waterloo last night as part of the Yahoo! Hack-U (University Hack Day), on the same topic as his new book, JavaScript: The Good Parts. I was lucky enough to get a seat, and have tried to condense my nine pages of notes into an overview of the highlights of his talk. Though I've rewritten parts, all of the content and wisdom is Doug's — I'm just the humble scribe. Of course, any errors of transcription are mine.

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Although it's rather short notice, anyone in the Toronto area should consider going to the University of Toronto Earth Sciences Auditorium tomorrow, Friday, February 20th, for a 7:30 PM (doors open at 7:00 PM) screening of the award-winning documentary Orphans of Apollo. This Canadian première event will feature a talk by the producer, and will be followed by a reception. Admission is $10 for students and seniors, and $15 for the general public.