Felix Crux

Technology & Miscellanea

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Although it's rather short notice, anyone in the Toronto area should consider going to the University of Toronto Earth Sciences Auditorium tomorrow, Friday, February 20th, for a 7:30 PM (doors open at 7:00 PM) screening of the award-winning documentary Orphans of Apollo. This Canadian première event will feature a talk by the producer, and will be followed by a reception. Admission is $10 for students and seniors, and $15 for the general public.

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A few days ago there were reports that Korea, already a leader in telecommunications infrastructure, would be pursuing plans to provide 1 Gbps Internet connectivity across the country by 2012. An excerpt from the Slashdot summary:

The entire country is gearing up to have 1 Gbps service by 2012, or at least that is what the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) is claiming. 'Currently, Koreans can get speeds up to 100 Mbps, which is still nearly double the speed of Charter's new 60 Mbps service. The new plan by the KCC will cost 34.1 trillion ($24.6 billion USD) over the next five years. The central government will put up 1.3 trillion won, with the remainder coming from private telecom operators.


There are certain words that, when used as a verb, mean the process of creating or transforming something into an instance of the word used as a noun. For example, to weave is to make strands of something into a weave. Likewise, writing is the action of creating writing, and if you spit, you end up with spit.

A few dubious examples: verb, sometimes humorously used as a verb meaning “to make a word into a verb”. For programmers: if you diff something, the result is a diff. To edit can be said to produce an edit, as some people call edited versions of things.

Is there a name for this property? There must be many more (and better) examples; can you come up with any?

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Really, flying cars are all that's needed now for the future to officially be here, because yesterday I tried a service that obviously represents a major milestone for humanity: I bought groceries over the Internet.

Amazon Fresh is an experimental project that has been running in a limited trial mode for over a year now. It allows you to buy pretty much anything you'd find in a traditional supermarket and have it delivered to your door, usually the same day. You can also elect to have items delivered before dawn the next day, so they're on your doorstep when you wake up. Delivery is free on orders over $30, but currently they will only deliver to a few Seattle-area zip codes. The Amazon offices are of course covered, and so one thing led to another…


A watercolour picture
of the Earth, as seen from space. I had been toying with the idea of expanding my website into something larger, more interesting, and hopefully better designed for some time, when around July of last year I began playing around with the Python web framework known as Django. I was immediately struck by the elegance, ease, and simplicity of developing relatively complex applications on top of it, but didn't think I had any serious use for it at the time. I bookmarked the excellent Django book and promptly forgot all about it.